What started out with humble beginnings as a car care center spraying truck bed liners in the booth of a two stall garage has now turned into a multi-team intra-national company expanding coast to coast with several well-known clients. No other company in the petroleum industry has the amount of experience we carry in our cutting edge technology of applying polyaspartic coatings. With several years in the field refurbishing gas and diesel dispenser islands and curbing, we know what works and what will last for you.
How did it all begin? Glad you asked! In the fall of 2009 Mark and Kevin, long time childhood friends, invited a guest to one of their backyard barbecues. Little did they know this guest was actually one of the leading supply and equipment representatives in the petroleum industry. He listened to Mark and Kevin's story about these new blends of polyurea coatings and the unique application processes these gentlemen had discovered. It was at this moment Rugid Guard was born!
For decades gas stations had been wrestling with the dilemma of repairing and protecting their islands and curbing from the damages of car strikes, oil, gas, and water. While so many other companies were focusing on improvements to the canopies, lighting, and buildings themselves, managers at these stations were faced with multi-annual paintings and costly island rebuilds - not to mention loss of revenue as these dispensers were shut down for long periods of time. Rugid Guard is able to enter a station site, repair the islands and curbing to "nearly new" condition, and protect these areas on that site for approximately one-third the cost of a rebuild. Our product has an indefinite lifespan and can be produced in your business's custom colors. This means no multi-annual painting, decades of protection from harsh elements, minimal down time, and excellent anti-skid surfacing in places where gas and oil spills are common.